With spring in full swing, this is the perfect time of year to begin thinking about sustainable food choices, and locally grown foods.
Beginning this month, the Arlington Public Library is focusing their Arlington Reads program on food and sustainability. An impressive series of films and special events will be available to the public free of charge, including conversations with authors Wendell Berry and Novella Carpenter.
The events kick off this evening at 6:30 PM with a viewing of the film Food, Inc. at the Shirlington Branch Library.
Event Dates:
- Sunday, April 11th, 3 PM Eat Local Panel Discussion {Shirlington Branch Library}
- Monday, April 19th, 7PM Book Discussion: "The Memory of Old Jack," by Wendell Berry {Arlington Central Library}
- Thursday, April 29th, 7PM Author Talk with Novella Carpenter, "Farm City" {Arlington Central Library}
- Tuesday, May 4th, 7M A Conversation with Wendell Berry {Arlington Central Library}
Film Dates:
- Wednesday, April 7th, 6:30 PM Food, Inc. {Shirlington Branch Library}
- Wednesday, April 14th, 6:30 PM Fast Food Nation {Shirlington Branch Library}
- Saturday, April 17th, 2 PM Community of Gardeners {Arlington Central Library}
- Wednesday, April 28th, 6:30 PM How to Cook Your Life {Shirlington Branch Library}
Library Locations:
Arlington Central Library; 1015 N. Quincy St.; Arlington, VA
Shirlington Branch Library; 4200 Campbell Ave; Arlington, VA